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Study Abroad Packing: It Doesn't Have To Be Scary

I have finally worked up the courage to take on the most treacherous task I know of: packing for our study abroad trip. How am I supposed to fit a month of my life in one suitcase and one carry-on bag? I'm that person that brings three bags for a weekend trip! Well, I have done a ton of research (and by research I mean looking through Pinterest boards), and I think I have figured out the most economical way to pack everything I will need.

HerCampus has posted an awesome packing list of everything important you should bring with you abroad. Here is a link to the PDF version of the list, so you can easily print it out and check everything off as you go!

Everyone has a color scheme they tend to veer towards more often. For many people they enjoy the all black ensemble, while others like to add pops of color and brown into their outfits. I personally like wearing different colors and prints in my outfits, so this step was very difficult for me. The reason I suggest doing this is so you will not have to pack both black and brown accessories, shoes, and purses. By trying to stick to one of the two colors you can easily eliminate half of what you would be packing. One of the most important things to think about when deciding your color scheme, is the location you will be going. London is dark and rainy (black outfits), while Greece is bright and summery (brown tones); therefore, you will have to make a decision as to which you can make work for more outfits. I personally chose to go with the black color scheme, bringing along my darker shaded items to match well with my black leather jackets and over-the-knee boots. However, I threw in a pair of brown sandals, and white Jack Rogers to match with some of my brighter colored outfits for Greece. You can make many colors work for both black and brown, for example pack your pink and blue tank tops, because those can easily be worn with either option.

This step is very important because you need to make sure you pack the right types of clothing for the locations you will be visiting. While we will be visiting Greece, it will be in the 70s and 80s during the day, but in the 60s at night. London will be a lot colder, hitting the high 50s and low 60s during the day, and reaching the low 40s at night. Because of this major difference in temperature between the two locations we will be visiting, you need to make sure to bring the right clothing for each location. You can easily pack clothing that you can wear in both locations. For example, you can pack skirts and dresses that are cute for Greece, and then wear them in London with tights and boots or booties. You can also bring cute tank tops or shirts that can be work in warm weather, but that can also be thrown on under a jacket for London.

When you finally start to pull the clothes out of your closet, I would suggest starting with your basics. Pull out your jeans, tops, jackets, dresses, and skirts. You should lay everything out that you have selected and see how many different outfit options you will have to choose from. I suggest bringing a lot of basic items that can easily be matched with a lot of options. This way you don't have to pack too much clothing, but at the same time you don't have to feel like you are committing a fashion crime if you wear it a second time.

Finally you can add in all of your fun accessories, such as your jewelry, purses and shoes! The reason I would wait to do these last is to make sure you only bring with you what is necessary. Once you have put together all of your outfits, you can now envision what accessories you need to complete them. Don't forget to bring all of your toiletries, workout clothes, undies, pajamas, bathing suits, bras, socks, chargers, computers, and anything else you find important! Make sure to check back to this list (I also linked it at the beginning of this post) to make sure you have everything you will need!

Another tip: buy a suitcase that has a separator in the middle, that way you can pack your clothing for Greece on one side and your clothing for London on the other side! This will make unpacking so much easier. Now instead of digging through your entire suitcase for that romper you want to wear, you only have to look through one side!

Happy packing!

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About Me!

My name is Marissa Sunshine and I am currently a sophomore at the University of Florida. I am studying marketing with minors in both mass communications and retailing! I am so excited to be the official blogger for this study abroad trip. I can not wait for you to see all of the exciting things we do this summer!


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